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New blockbuster - 'When the world rebuilt itself'

Writer's picture: Erol MehmetErol Mehmet

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

The new blockbuster ‘When the world rebuilt itself’ hasn’t been written yet, it’s just another great title for the future, maybe an epic production by a UK film company when Brexit finally gets sorted? To be honest, we will need to pull something out of the bag to make us more attractive to the rest of Europe when the time comes.

This short article is written in a ‘tennis match’ format, bad point, good point with the intention of not being too negative.

Before I move on, I’m curious - could the film industry have great success from producing films such as ‘Brexit - the demise of the UK’ or ‘Boris v Trump - the world has gone mad’ or have we all just had enough of talking about it? Share your thoughts.

Film & TV 2020/21/22 (sore subject at times but a great category for a new edition Trivia Pursuits)

It’s difficult not to be negative when realistically we in the industry have faced some massive challenges during this pandemic. Mental health and bank accounts have taken a bashing, health and hygiene have never been so important and at times the world has been just doom and gloom.

According to recent research 9 in 10 people working in film and tv have experienced some form of mental health problems. Read more here.

However, in theory, with the vaccine on our doorsteps and very good COVID-19 training and procedures the 2021 filming schedule should be very busy - fingers crossed!

At the moment we can only deal with what we know, 2020 has been pants in so many ways. With the challenges all industries have faced, it’s tempting to just pack up and go home. Just sit in your pyjamas, eating ice cream watching reruns of Friends or all the Harry Potter movies. But we won’t because the film and TV industry is so important for so many reasons.

To the big and small screen we need you!

We need some normality and you will be pleased to hear that in 2021 the Tokyo Olympics will start on the 23rd July, Wimbledon will open its doors on the 28th June and the Euro Cup will start on the 11th June. More relevant to the article, Cineworld hopes to reopen in March and the much-awaited latest James Bond movie will hit the big screen. Not only that, keen fans will be glad to know that Tom & Jerry will be coming to theatres, Death on the Nile will debut in September and Fast & Furious 9 will finally get to the cinemas.

How will Brexit affect the UK TV and film industry?

Boris, this is another fine mess you have got us into…

As a country, will the UK become less desirable to the rest of the world? Please leave a comment with your thoughts.

According to ‘Creative Industry Federation’ 96% of members voted against Brexit knowing it would have heavy consequences. We would see an end to Media Creative Europe funding, British content may become less attractive to parts of Europe and sometimes reliant on European funding we could struggle. For example, ‘The King’s Speech’ received over one million Euros in funding from 26 European territories. Find out more about the 'Creative Industry Federation' here.

However, the British Government might take steps to protect our industry, maybe in the form of tax relief? If the pound loses value after Brexit, it would be cheaper to shoot in the UK which may attract overseas production companies. Another good point to note is we would avoid European rules on release patterns.

Will the UK TV & film industry be less attractive to the rest of the world after Brexit? What do you think?

Apart from other good news like Matrix 4, Batman and Avatar 2 will eventually be coming to theatres, it’s becoming apparent that people are more receptive to ‘new things’ and smaller films are being well recognised. Families have come together in front of the TV due to lockdown measures and more people have invested in projection screens to watch their favourite films.

We are in a world of uncertainty, we are living a potential movie. I’m curious as to who you would cast in lead roles in the potential epic movie 'When the world rebuilt itself' and when it comes to fighting stunts I am totally up for fighting the virus.

It was a sad day when we found out we were going into tier 4 on Saturday but it's for the best until we totally understand the mutation of the virus. Thankfully filming can still happen according to the website.

I hope you still manage to speak to family and friends during the festive season and eventually we can all hug our loved ones again.

Wishing you all Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

All that is left to say is ‘Action!’

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This group is for people in the film & tv industry or related topics, for example health and fitness, diet and nutrition etc... It's a place to share your articles or articles that you have read.



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